
A Powerful And Versatile  Financial Tool  That Emplower Our Clients To Enjoye The Best Things In Life, While Being Protected From The Worst Of Financial Circumstances.

It is universally agreed among financial experts that life insurance protection is the foundation of securing what matters most in your life – your family, assets, and hard work. With life insurance, your family is guaranteed security and protection in the face of tragedy. Read more about how our life insurance policies can benefit your specific needs.

Everyone benefits from  life insurance. Read more about how our uniquely designed life insurance policies can give you the peace of mind you’re looking for, while helping you achieve your financial goals!

Parents Life

Term Insurance

There are two primary types of term insurance:

Level Term Insurance

Level term insurance guarantees payment of a fixed death benefit if the person covered by the policy dies within a fixed time period. There is no cash or intrinsic value to a term insurance policy – it’s purely for protection. Terms are annually renewable, and generally span five to thirty-year periods of time, up to a specific age of the person covered.

Decreasing Term Insurance

Decreasing term insurance policies have a death benefit that declines with each passing year. The policyholder pays a fixed premium for the duration of the policy. This type of policy is typically sold to complement a mortgage payoff.

Permanent Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides permanent death benefit coverage and lasts for the entire lifetime of the insured. The death benefits are paid to the beneficiary upon the death of the insured. Whole life insurance policies have a guaranteed premium, fixed costs, and stable dividend crediting. The death benefit typically increases over time.

IUL (Indexed Universal Life Insurance)

Indexed universal life insurance is designed for more accumulation with greater flexibility. It includes more flexible premiums and is typically based on an annual renewable term platform. Earnings on a universal life insurance policy can be tied to a market index with a guaranteed minimum return.

The Vantage PWF Strategy (Perpetual Wealth Financing)

Learn how to own the financing of your life or business and turn your expenses into assets. This wealth planning strategy copies what big banks and wealthy companies have been doing for many decades to build liquid tax-free wealth that spans generations. We’ll teach you how to multiply and multitask your dollars in a tax-free environment while putting yourself at the center of profit and control in your financial life!

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Build And Protect Your Wealth And Leave A Legacy Outside Of Wall Street.